1. Name
The name of the group shall be Stretford Town Centre Forum
2. Purpose
Stretford Town Centre Forum has been created to promote the vision of a sustainable Stretford Town Centre. The forum provides an opportunity for local businesses, community groups and other stakeholders to work together collaboratively - to improve visitor footfall, to improve the local town centre environment, and to celebrate everything that Stretford has to offer.
3. Aims
- To provide a local voice for the businesses, community groups and other organisations who operate in Stretford Town Centre
- To work together to generate a thriving town centre and increase visitor footfall, through shared marketing, events and community activities.
- To identify and address common issues of concern across Stretford Town Centre and to work together imaginatively and constructively to tackle these issues.
- To identify opportunities for shared fundraising and investment opportunities
- To facilitate community-led development of land and local community assets
- To take collective responsibility for the development of the town centre and to be inclusive and transparent to stakeholders.
3. Membership